
Company Overview

DIDIVIJA URBAN NIDHI LIMITED (THE BANK) is a public limited company, Which was incorporated on 25th April 2020, company having registered office at Nagpur.

A company declared as a Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Society registered under the section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Nidhi is having many features which make them stand distinctly apart from many other Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs). Who are working under the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Our business model stands on the principles of transacting within members of the Nidhi Company. We accept deposits from our members and thus inculcate the habit of savings among the masses and also provide credit at lower costs than traditional banks. The saving deposits, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Monthly Income Schemes and some other investment plans can be done in our company.


Our Vision & Mission

Didivija Urban Nidhi Limited ( The Bank ) to provide a secure, agile, dynamic and conducive banking environment to members with commitment to values and unshaken confidence, deploying the best technology, standards, processes and procedures where members convenience is of significant importance and to increase the stakeholders’ value.

To create an employee with loyalty, reliability and hard work. Awareness about the value of savings and money so that they can change their lifestyle And meeting the needs of members.


Our Features

  • 1. Promotes small savings among middle and lower middle class. Accepts term deposits for timely returns.
  • 2. Easy source of loan to members against collateral.
  • 3. Effective means of savings and loans with minimum documentation.
  • 4. Secured means of investment due to rigid membership structure.
  • 5. Didivija Urban Nidhi Limited (The Bank) always deals in a transparent and trustworthy manner and always strives for the satisfaction and benefit of its members.